Saturday, January 15, 2011

camera test

In Atlanta we were stuck in snow whole week. No work for me, no schools for kids.
It could have been so boring if I didn't receive the camera right before the snow began.

I got my first DSLR!

It's an used Canon 30D (used, otherwise I couldn't afford it!). It came without a manual and also I need to get used to use the view finder because it has no live preview which I had been so spoiled with.

So, my girl and I, whenever we had nothing else left to do indoor, did test shootings together to play with the camera. In this case it was a good thing that it took a while to figure out how this camera works because we had so much time!


We love this camera so much already!

I also took some pictures of my favorite projects again. This is one of my most favorite project, Sunflowers Satchel (currently the pattern is available for Ravelry users only), a crochet bag designed by my knitting BFF, Asami Kawa. I hope I can write about her sometimes, she is such an amazing designer, and also my knitting boot camp buddy!

And a sweater I finished this winter. The pattern is from a book "a fine fleece" by Lisa Lloyd.

I wish I could re-take for all my works with this camera, This is so much fun!

And our Butterscotch looking at snow.


  1. The photos are gorgeous. Are you sure it is just because of the camera ?

  2. Thank you, Mette!
    My daughter really likes my taking pictures of her. She is quite comfortable being in front of camera, allowing me to capture her as she is naturally. On the other hand, my son runs away from the field all the time, to make sure he is not in pictures accidentally, otherwise he poses funny..... That's why he's never been a model yet. He is a gorgeous boy, though ^^)! ym


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